Wednesday 1 June 2011

Gods and Goddesses

As a Catholic I am used to there being one god, God, The Father Almighty, but then I turn to look at Hinduism and there are literally too many to choose from. In Hinduism a person chooses one main god to worship, and that is their god. They worship this god through their actions, deeds and words. Before learning about Hinduism, I thought this was an odd religion, I mean how could one person worship so many god and goddesses? However now that I think about, I think it is a great idea to be able to choose the one god or goddess you see as most fitting into your life. Catholics are born into life believing in God, but Hindu’s get a choice. As a Hindu in the making, I am going to choose a god to worship. I think this is a special thing to do, because it is like choosing a path in life. Different gods represent different things, so the god you choose to worship is like a reflection on yourself. The god I am choosing to worship is Ganesha. He is in the god family as Shiva’s son. The story of Ganesha (he has the head of an elephant) is that Shiva cut off his head accidentally in a fit of anger. Through this fit of anger, Ganesha’s head was replaced with an elephant head. Who doesn’t like elephants? Also, he is known as the god of wisdom and good fortune, and a person could always use some wisdom and good fortune in their life.  

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